NEP received funding from WAPHA to provide Cultural, Social & Emotional Wellbeing Program across WA

The National Empowerment Project (NEP), researched and developed under the leadership of Professor Pat Dudgeon of UWA, has been successfully launched in Perth. Graduates from Langford Aboriginal Association (LAA) celebrated completing the Cultural, Social and Emotional Wellbeing (CSEWB) at the Canning River Eco Education Centre (CREEC) on Saturday 18th November, 2017.
Sixteen graduates completed the 12 week program, facilitated by Noongar Elders Angela Ryder of Relationships Australia WA and Liz Hayden a Community Consultant engaged by Langford Aboriginal Association (LAA).
The program funded by the WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA), through Relationships Australia WA (RAWA) and in partnership with and delivered at LAA will continue with participants engaging in a community garden project at LAA as well as being linked in with existing women, men and youth groups and taking part in life skills each month, supported through the program.
The Cultural, Social and Emotional Wellbeing Program will continue, with two programs being ran consecutively at Wadjak Northside Aboriginal Community Group in Balga and in Kwinana in partnership with the Medina Aboriginal Cultural Community Centre and Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation.
The City of Canning supported the graduation event with the venue, t-shirts and delicious Noongar food by Bindi Bindi Catering. Professor Pat Dudgeon and the Mayor Paul Ng welcomed graduates and guests while Noongar Elder Jean Boladeras delivered an inspiring and motivating speech. Friends, family members, Elders and City of Gosnells Mayor Glenn Dewhurst and Deputy Mayor Terresa Lynes were amongst the invited guests.
Interested Aboriginal community members are encouraged to call 6164 0463 for further information.