'building communities' capacity through empowerment, healing and leadership.'
Building communities' capacity through empowerment and strengthening
cultural, social and emotional wellbeing.

John Watson: Mount Gambier, SA
John has been working at Pangula Mannarmurna for 3 years, and is employed as a Strong Fathers and Strong Familys Coordinator. The program started with 6 men and now has 26 men participating. The program takes men and their children on cultural fishing camps, helping children to learn the traditional ways of hunting and gathering. The camps also support the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council to run a workshop at the camps. John has completed Certificate III in Aboriginal Primary Health Care and has nearly completed Certificate IV. John works two days a week with the Strong Family program and three days as an Aboriginal Health Worker, helping his community. Over the three years he has run different workshops with the men's group, including anger management, healthy cooking, complete male health days, chronic disease management workshops, tobacco cessation etc. My wife and 5 children support me in working with my community.

Angela Sloan: Mount Gambier, SA
Angela Sloan is a Ngarrindjeri woman. Angela has 23 years experience in developing, promoting and managing Aboriginal employment, recruitment, training and retention across state, federal and local government, as well as the private sector in a JSA and a major South Australian Utility company. Angela has contributed to National Round Table discussions to develop national policy around Aboriginal employment and training and has
been a key note speaker at state, national and international conferences on best practice models. Angela continued to maintain her personal interests of Aboriginal student support, mentoring and retention through her membership on the Western ICAN Management Committee and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts as a Board Member of Tandanya. Angela currently works with Pangula Mannamurna Inc (Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation) in Mount Gambier and has commenced Lateral Violence workshops for community and is a committee member of the “Treasuring Life, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Action Plan.”

Karen Glover: Mount Gambier, SA
Karen is a Mein:tnk Wotjobaluk woman from the SE of South Australia and NW of Victoria. Her current role is as the CEO of Pangula Mannamurna, the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service located in Mount Gambier and providing health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the South East of South Australia. Karen is keen to ensure that the organisation is responsive to the priority social and emotional wellbeing needs of the regional community, and believes community and organisational capacity can be built through the NEP.